Dream : Visit to Grandparents Abroad
Ritesh Kumar's

Dream : Visit to Grandparents Abroad

9.52 % Funded

I’ve always wanted to take the kids on a special trip to visit our extended family in another country. I think it would be an amazing way for them to connect with their heritage and understand where they come from. I picture them experiencing new cultures, tasting foods they’ve never had before, and learning about traditions that are part of our family’s roots. Most importantly, they’d get to spend quality time with family they don’t see often, building bonds that are so important. It’s a dream I’m excited to make happen someday, one that would be meaningful for all of us.


Ritesh Kumar's
Dream Amount is $2100.0
Ritesh Kumar’s
Dream Amount achieved till now is $200.0
Ritesh Kumar
Joined on June 30, 2023, 11:02 a.m.
Ritesh Kumar’s
donation score is $0
Ritesh Kumar’s
Donations per day to other dreams is $0
Ritesh Kumar’s
Total Donations to other dreams is $0
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